Local groups

Details about the recording and wildlife groups in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

If you want to get started with practical conservation work, consider joining one of the active groups in your area. You might find an existing group that aligns with your interests.

We have gathered details about some of those groups below.

Contact us if you would like your group added to this list.

Group list

Amphibians and reptiles


Butterflies and moths





Veteran trees

Natural history societies

Site and parish based groups

Community action groups (CAG)

The CAG Oxfordshire network comprises over 100 community action groups across Oxfordshire at the forefront of community-led environmental action. These groups organise events and projects to take action on various issues.

Visit the CAG Oxfordshire website where you can:

Regional groups

Community and parish guide to biodiversity

Wild Oxfordshire have published this guide to help local communities conserve biodiversity in their local patch. They have produced the guide in collaboration with: 

  • Oxfordshire County Council
  • Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT)

Community and parish guide to biodiversity (pdf format, 7.96 MB).