Data quality

How we quality check all data before adding it to our database.

We carefully check all the data we make available before adding it to our database. We do not add records if we are uncertain as to their validity. This ensures that the information we provide is guaranteed to be high quality.

How we check data quality

  1. Central grid references: We check the central grid references of all records against computerised maps and aerial photos before being entering them into the database. The exception is if the records come from sources where this has already been done or the location has been provided by the original recorder.
  2. Self-verified data: Most records we receive are from wildlife recorders who are experts in their specific field. We consider such data as “self-verified”. In other words, we do not recheck identifications.
  3. Ecological professionals: Data from ecological professionals also falls under the ‘self-verified’ category..
  4. Validation for non-experts: Records submitted by members of the public or other “non-experts” undergo validation. We refer challenging taxa records to local experts such as county recorders, for further verification.
  5. iRecord imports: We import records from online platform iRecord. However, we only include records that have been verified by iRecord verifiers who are experts in their chosen taxon group.
  6. Research grade iNaturalist records: We also import research grade iNaturalist records via iRecord.
  7. County recorder agreements: Through agreements with several county recorders, we automatically send all records to them for verification. Moth records are a good example.