What we do
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC) is the Local Environmental Records Centre for Berkshire and Oxfordshire, dedicated to maintaining a comprehensive ecological information hub.

Share your records
Tell us about the wildlife you see and we’ll add it to our database. Your records could be used in local decision-making.
Our services
We offer a comprehensive range of services, with the expertise to capture, store, organise, manage, query, share, edit, analyse, model, and visualise environmental data in Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

Local Wildlife Sites
Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) are areas that include important and rare habitats and species.
Local Geological Sites
View our list of all the local geological sites in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
Our data
We aim to hold all available records about the plants, animals, habitats, and geological sites in Berkshire and Oxfordshire.
Our database contains more than 4.8 million species records, including over 1,110,000 protected and notable species.

Recorders' Conference
We organise two wildlife recording conferences each year in spring and autumn.
Our next spring recorders' conference is taking place on Saturday 22nd March at Exeter Hall, Kidlington.