Local Geological Sites (LGS)

View our list of all the local geological sites in Oxfordshire and Berkshire with their locations.

The term geodiversity describes how our landscape is shaped by the extensive varieties of:

  • rocks
  • minerals
  • fossils
  • soils and landforms
  • natural processes

Some geological sites are recognised for their scientific, educational, historical and aesthetic value. Legislation and planning policy protect these sites from harmful development. These protected sites include:

LGS replaced Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites (RIGS). LGS exhibit important geological and geomorphological features. These features range from sarsen stones and rock outcrops to geological faces in active quarries.

View the LGS in Oxfordshire and Berkshire

The Berkshire Geoconservation Group and the Oxfordshire Geology Trust designate local geology sites.

View a list and maps of the LGS in Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

Contact us

Contact us at tverc@oxfordshire.gov.uk for more detailed information, or request a data search.