Ecological survey reports for planning applications

How to avoid costly delays by preparing a good ecological survey report.

Our database contains:

  • over 4.8 million species records
  • site boundaries and descriptions for designated sites
  • S41 habitats and phase 1 habitat accurately mapped to field level

No other organisation can provide you with this information.

Our approach

We recommend the following approach to all planning authorities in Berkshire and Oxfordshire:

  1. Include TVERC data search: Ecology reports submitted with planning applications should include a search of our data.
  2. Exception: If the planning authority determines that the application will not impact biodiversity, this step may be omitted.

The following organisations support this approach:

  • Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM)
  • National Biodiversity Network (NBN)
  • Association of Local Government Ecologists (ALGE)
  • Association of Local Environmental Records Centres (ALERC)

For more detailed guidance, view CIEEM's guidelines for accessing and using biodiversity data.

Checklist for authors of ecological survey reports

Before the planning authority validates the application, ensure you can answer “yes” to the following questions:

  1. Do you have access to all the records at the highest available resolution?
  2. Do you have written permission from all the data providers to use their data in this way?
  3. Did you contact TVERC to ensure you have access to records that are not on the NBN Atlas?

Avoid delays to the planning process

Submitting a desk study with data from us will avoid unnecessary delays. It can be costly if the planning authority does not validate your application or requests further information.

Comply with the NPPF

Paragraph 180 of the National Planning Policy Framework states that:

"Planning policies and decisions should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by... d) minimising impacts on and providing net gains for biodiversity..."  

Ecology reports lacking a data search from us are at risk of non-compliance with the NPPF, because without knowing what biodiversity is present, you cannot minimise impacts or achieve net gains for biodiversity.

Comply with ODPM Circular 06/2005

Paragraph 99 of the ODPM Circular 06/2005 states that:

"It is essential that the presence or otherwise of protected species, and the extent that they may be affected by the proposed development, is established before the planning permission is granted, otherwise all relevant material considerations may not have been addressed in making the decision."  

Access to our data will ensure that you have considered all protected species as part of a development proposal.

NBN Atlas data

Every record held on the NBN Atlas is licensed with one of three creative commons licences or an open government licence (OGL). You cannot use records with a CC-BY-NC licence for commercial purposes, such as to support a planning application. You can use records with other licences, but the data is usually uploaded onto the atlas at a low resolution. Therefore, it is not appropriate for use in determining the potential impacts of development on biodiversity. The NBN Atlas does not hold information on local wildlife sites or priority habitats in this area.

Follow CIEEM technical guidance

CIEEM Members, should follow its guidance for professional and technical conduct.

The Guidelines for Preliminary Ecological Appraisal state that an ecological report should include "a desk study to identify notable or protected sites habitats or species potentially affected by the proposal under consideration". 

CIEEM has produced guidelines on how to write an ecological report. They say a well-written report:

  • is succinct
  • is fit for purpose
  • is tailored to the requirements of the reader
  • answers the brief agreed with the client

The report should avoid misunderstanding and minimise the risk of unintended financial or legal consequences.

The CIEEM's guidelines for accessing and using biodiversity data in the UK state: 

"Biodiversity data should be used by those who need to take into account the effect and impact of their actions on biodiversity. Common examples of this are building developments (of many different types), land management and biodiversity assessments and audits."

"The sources consulted for the background data search may vary depending on the location of the proposed development, but must always include the LERC where one exists."

Meeting the CIEEM Code of Professional Conduct

The code states that members of CIEEM will:

"Exercise sound professional judgement in my work, applying objectivity, relevance, accuracy, proportionality and impartiality to the information and professional advice I provide, including having regard to the relevant published technical guidance and standards and complying with all relevant laws"

Defra guidance

Complying with the biodiversity duty. Prepare for biodiversity net gain: 

"You can get local data from local environmental record centres. If you commission research, you can share that data with them."

Meet British Standard 42020 Biodiversity Code of Practice for Planning and Development

6.4.2 states that:

"local record centres … should be approached initially for species and habitat information to inform desk studies. The data generated through desk studies should be properly analysed and interpreted, with the results used to inform fieldwork and further assessments of the development proposal."

Follow the Bat Conservation Trust's 'Bat Surveys for Ecologists Good Practice Guidelines'

Paragraph 4.2.1 states:

"The aim of a desk study for bats is to collate and review existing information about a site and its surroundings to inform the design of subsequent bat surveys and inform the impact assessment of the project."  

The guidelines include recommendations for accessing bat data from local environmental records centres such as ours.

View the Bat surveys for professional ecologists guidelines.