The ID Resource Finder is an online searchable catalogue of UK wildlife identification resources.
iSpot is a friendly and free community helping to identify wildlife and share nature.
The Reading University website lists a range of species identification guides, including websites and apps.
The NBN Trust website collates species identification resources.
Habitats and plants
The Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI) website includes a guide to plant identification.
The Species Recovery Trust offers identification training for plants and habitats.
Use the RSPB find a bird search to help you identify birds you have seen.
The UK Beetle Recording website can help you identify beetles.
The Buglife website includes pollinator and bug identification guides.
The British Dragonfly Society website has an identification tool for dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata).
On the Butterfly Conservation website you can identify a butterfly and identify a moth.
The UK Moths website includes a beginners guide to moth identification.

We have published the Oxfordshire Mammal Guide (pdf format, 6MB). This guide provides information on the identification and distribution of mammals in Oxfordshire.