Share your photos

If you have captured any fascinating moments in nature, we would love to feature them in our publications, including reports, newsletters, leaflets and website.

By sharing your photos, you will contribute to generating interest in our efforts to conserve the remarkable wildlife in our region.

How to send your photos

Read the conditions of use below.

Share your photos

Conditions of use

  1. We may not include an author acknowledgement for some purposes, such as images on banners.
  2. We reserve the right not to notify you when we publish your images. 
  3. We will store the images in our image library and only remove them if we receive a specific request from the author. 
  4. We will not be liable for any copyright infringement as a result of the reproduction of images by third parties, for example, from the web.
  5. We may alter photographs as appropriate for the publication purpose.
  6. We will not sell the photographs for our benefit.
  7. We will credit the photographer wherever possible.

a red fox (vulpes vulpus) standing in a meadow
Red fox (vulpus vulpus) ©Helen-Miller

a small owl with large yellow eyes and brown markings on tree branch
Little owl (athene noctua) ©Martin-Gascoigne-Pees