Why we record wildlife

Recording wildlife plays a crucial role in informing decisions about development and land management.

We collect all the information for Berkshire and Oxfordshire in one place. Our data empowers people to make informed, effective, and sustainable choices regarding:

  1. Land management and development: By understanding local wildlife populations, we can make sound decisions about how to manage and develop land while minimising environmental impact.
  2. Wildlife conservation: Knowing where different species are found helps us direct conservation efforts more effectively. Even recording common and widespread species contributes significantly to our understanding.

otter in water
Otter (Lutra lutra) ©Ed Austin

Why this is important

  1. Environmental insight: In a time of changing climate and policies, having a comprehensive picture of wildlife trends is essential. We can identify declines or increases in species populations and track changes in their distribution.
  2. Local impact: Armed with this knowledge, we can plan strategies to avoid losses of specific species in our region.
  3. Early warnings: Monitoring wildlife locations allows us to be forewarned about any shifts or alterations underway.

group of people gathered outside to look at an insect in a collection pot
Recorders on a field day
bird silhouette

We rely on recorders like you

We are a not-for-profit organisation. We rely on receiving data from every source possible to improve our database of environmental information. Your wildlife records will help protect and enhance our environment by improving our data quality and quantity.