Habitat mapping

We have extensive experience in mapping habitats, ranging from individual sites to entire counties.

Our approach

We interpret aerial photography and other relevant data to define habitats. Subsequently, we refine our habitat mapping by carrying out surveys. 

We can use historical information to review the following:

  • woodlands against ancient woodland inventory criteria
  • hedgerows against hedgerow regulations criteria

For examples of our mapping projects, delve into our case studies

Contact us

To discuss your specific requirements or to access further examples of our work, contact us at tverc@oxfordshire.gov.uk.

Service charges

We charge a daily rate for habitat mapping projects. The charge covers the time taken to complete the project work. The daily rate includes contributing to the annual costs of collating and managing our database. The standard daily rate is:

  • £625 for commercial organisations who are not partners
  • £340 for not-for-profit organisations and partners signed up to the MoU

Partners pay the lower rate because they have already contributed to the annual costs of collating and managing our database.