Landowners and land managers

Guidance and expertise for sustainable land development and wildlife conservation.

The open countryside can be a haven for wildlife. Well-managed woodland, meadows, hedgerows and farmland attract a wide range of species such as:

  • barn owls
  • brown hares
  • bumblebees
  • butterflies
  • skylarks

a hare in a ploughed field
A hare in a ploughed field ©Martin Gascoigne-Pees

The historical sensitive management of these areas accounts for their rich wildlife today. The continued good work by landowners and managers is key in conserving the rare species and habitats.

Whether you're making decisions about sustainable land development or directing wildlife conservation efforts, our expertise and information can guide you. Learn more about us.

Our services

We can provide the following services for all areas of land in Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

Data search

Request a data search of our records about your land and the surrounding area. This data can include a map to highlight:

  • Local Wildlife and Geological Sites
  • important habitats
  • species of interest

This data search can show if these areas are protected by law or planning policy. 

We also have a new data search package for householders.

Data management 

We can manage the data you have for your land through record sharing.

Ecological surveys

Our highly qualified and experienced ecologists conduct ecological surveys for land management or nature conservation.


We can provide training about:

  • habitat and species surveys
  • biological recording and identification
  • use of GIS


You may be eligible to apply for funding from the Trust for Oxfordshire's Environment (TOE).

Landowners and managers of Oxfordshire local wildlife sites (LWS)

The Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) can offer:

  • free wildlife surveys
  • expert advice about conservation management
  • information about grant aid

Learn more about local wildlife sites.