Equipment and books

We have a reference library dedicated to biological recording. Our collection includes field guides, books, and maps.

We give preference to borrowers using the books or equipment to record data to share with us.

View our borrow lists:

Our books and equipment are free to borrow, but due to the cost of some equipment, we require a £20 deposit. Certain books also require the same deposit.

How to borrow an item:

  1. Read the terms and conditions below.
  2. Complete the loan request form (doc format, 55 KB).
  3. Email your form to

Terms and conditions

Borrowing items:

  1. Use the borrowed books and equipment for positive biodiversity benefits in conservation, research, or education.
  2. Limit usage to non-commercial purposes
  3. Only the specified borrower on the loan form should use the items.
  4. Adhere to current legislation and best practices.
  5. Use the equipment solely for recording purposes.
  6. If you have agreed to send records to us, ensure timely submission as stated on the form.
  7. Follow safety advice and instructions provided; report any issues promptly.
  8. Damaged or faulty equipment may incur financial liability for repair or replacement.

We cannot be held responsible for legal action against individuals or groups borrowing equipment or books from us.

Returning items:

  1. Strive to return items in the same condition as when borrowed (considering wear and tear).
  2. We reserve the right to charge for cleaning or repairs if necessary.
  3. In case of loss, theft, or irretrievability, you assume financial responsibility for the insurance deductible or equipment replacement.

Collecting and returning equipment:

  1. Transport or postage costs for loaned items are not our responsibility.

Late returns:

  1. We will email you two days after the scheduled return date to notify you that your equipment is overdue. 
  2. Deposit withholding applies until equipment is returned or replaced.

Licenses and permissions:

  1. Borrowers should obtain necessary licenses from Natural England.
  2. Borrowers should obtain landowner permission for collecting biological records.