Data-related terms
In this document, 'we', 'our' and us refer to TVERC.
You must agree to the following:
- The information supplied will not be put to any other use beyond the project for which it is requested, nor communicated to any person other than those directly involved. No data supplied will be uploaded to the NBN Gateway/Atlas.
- We will be clearly acknowledged when data is used in reports or other documents. This should state “Data provided by Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre” and should be included with any lists of species or maps of sites or habitats.
- The data in the report can only be used for the project for which it was requested. It cannot be passed on to third parties without our permission (this excludes reports presented to clients and local authorities).
- Should the dataset contain bat records from the NBMP, publication by third parties is restricted to 1 km resolution or 10 km in the case of hibernation survey data.
- While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we bear no legal responsibility for the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the data provided and accepts no liability for indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses arising from use of the data.
- The absence of species or habitat information for any area or location does not necessarily imply such species or habitats are absent; they may simply be unrecorded.
- Information supplied in a GIS data format will be subject to a data licence with additional terms and conditions.
- The copyright of the report and the information provided is retained by us.
- The copyright for some species data will be held by a recording group or individual recorder. Where this is the case, and the group or individual providing the data is known, the data origin will be given in the species table.
- The data should be considered valid for a maximum of 12 months from the date on the cover of this report. After this period, any data must be deleted from your computer system. If the data is to be used after that time, an update should be requested.
- The data must not be added to any permanent database system.
For financial clarity and to ensure agreement with our data terms and conditions, we will only accept a data search request from the organisation or person paying for it.
Map-related terms
To reproduce Ordnance Survey mapping, there are two options.
- You hold a relevant licence for Ordnance Survey mapping.
- You have the map copied at a printer or printing store with a licence to carry out search work.
Visit the Ordnance Survey website for details.
Billing related terms
We usually charge for data searches. For more information, see our charging policy and our data search charges and response times pages. You can also use our data request cost calculator before requesting the search.
Payment made relates to:
- the time taken to undertake a data search
- carrying out associated administrative tasks
- contributing towards the costs of collecting and managing the data
Once issued, you cannot amend invoice details, so we have to cancel and reissue. In such a case, we reserve the right to add a £40 surcharge to the cost or impose other penalties, such as refusing future data requests.
Payment does not confer the exchange of copyright of any data supplied.
When submitting your data search request, ensure you provide the correct billing information, including:
- purchase order number (if required for invoicing)
- legal billing organisation name
- full billing address
- central accounts payable email address
- accounts team telephone number
We will email the invoice to the address provided. Payment must be made within 28 days of the invoice.
Make payments to Oxfordshire County Council
Oxfordshire County Council hosts TVERC, so please make out all purchase orders and payments to Oxfordshire County Council.
The Integrated Business Centre (IBC) handles finance for both Oxfordshire and Hampshire County Councils.
Instructions for payment are included on the invoice issued to you or your organisation.
Billing address
Oxfordshire County Council
Integrated Business Centre (IBC)
E11 East The Castle
SO23 8UB
Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall, New Road, Oxford, OX1 1ND
VAT Registration No. GB195478609