Data search charges and response times

How we charge and how long it takes to provide our services.

Our charges are carefully set at a rate to ensure we can continue to provide services now and into the future for the benefit of our environment. Read our charging policy for details.

Request a data search

We do not supply formal quotes to be included in project tendering quotes. Use our data request cost calculator or call us for an estimate of the cost.

Standard charges

Standard charges apply to commercial companies and governmental bodies. They also apply to individual householders or landowners using the data for development purposes (for example, bat records for a planning application). 

Base charge

In addition to the dataset fees shown below, there is a £68 base fee for all data searches.

Use our data request cost calculator for an estimate.

Larger geographical areas

We offer data licenses when you need data in GIS format covering a large geographic area. These licenses are required for search areas greater than 10 km² or 1000 hectares, or for a 5 km buffer around a specific site. For detailed information, see our data licence charges page.

Standard charges for data searches (excluding VAT)
Search type 1 km (£) 2 km (£) 5 km (£)












Single taxon




GCN package




Swift package




Ancient woodland




Flood zones




SSSI risk zones




NRN Oxfordshire




Reduced rate

We offer a 50% charge reduction in the following situations:

  • landowners requiring data for landholdings of more than one site and where the data will be used solely for conservation purposes (such as farm environment plans)
  • parish and town councils using our data for parish plans, community-led plans, or neighbourhood development plans
  • funding partners and their contractors who have signed the memorandum of understanding

Neighbourhood plans

We offer a reduced report tailored to neighbourhood plans. These plans cost £80+VAT. 

This report contains:

  • protected, notable and invasive species
  • statutory and non-statutory protected sites

The report does not include citations for protected sites.

Fee waived

We waive the fees:

  • for species searches with fewer than five species records within the requested search area
  • where there are no designated sites within the requested search area. 
  • for members of the public commenting on a submitted or upcoming third party planning application

We will waive data search charges for individuals, landowners and organisations where both of these conditions are true:

  • you use the data solely for conservation or research purposes
  • the search relates to a single site (such as a local wildlife site)

In these cases, we invite you to donate £30 per hour to cover the costs of extracting and presenting the data. Excluded from a donation are the following:

  • private individuals making requests related to proposed development on their own land
  • ecological consultants requesting data on behalf of a landowner

Response time

We usually process a request within 24 hours. Searches that require a quote or licence should receive the documents to sign within this time frame. 

We complete most searches within three working days. However, there may be a delay for bespoke searches or if we receive a high volume of searches in a short period of time. 

You can pay a 100% surcharge to ensure results by the next working day.