Neighbourhood planning

Data searches, plan reports and green corridors for your neighbourhood or community plan.

Data searches for neighbourhood plans

We offer comprehensive environmental information to support the development of neighbourhood and community plans. We maintain high-quality data about species, habitats and sites. You can use these data to:

  • highlight important species, habitats and sites in your neighbourhood plan area
  • support biodiversity policies in your parish
  • enhance the biodiversity value of your parish by providing opportunities for investment in wildlife sites and green spaces

Our standard search report includes the following components:

  • a PDF report
  • an Excel spreadsheet containing species data (within a 2 km radius)
  • either PDF maps of sites and habitats or GIS layer datasets (covering up to a 5 km radius)

However, we can tailor our service to suit your needs. Visit our report contents page for further details about the biodiversity report.

Neighbourhood plan report

The neighbourhood plan report offers essential information about wildlife species records and protected areas within your neighbourhood plan area. Access to this data is exclusively available through our services. The report includes the following details: 

  1. Wildlife species records:
  • a list of wildlife species recorded in the local area
  • information on when these species were observed
  • their conservation status 

  2. Local Wildlife Sites (LWS):

  • a map indicating the locations and names of the LWS in your area

LWS represent some of the most ecologically significant areas at the county level. We survey and assess these sites based on criteria established by a panel of local independent wildlife experts.

The report offers summary details to empower communities to take targeted actions and help in developing neighbourhood policies and plans. However, it does not provide exhaustive information about LWS or include all wildlife records in a parish. These detailed data are available from us but at a more significant cost.

View our charges and response times for data search reports. 

Green corridors for neighbourhood plans

Green corridors play a crucial role in allowing people and wildlife to move through the landscape. Their significance lies in:

  • connecting habitat patches, enabling wildlife to find food, suitable homes, and potential mates
  • enhancing public access, providing pathways for people to access the countryside and experience wildlife firsthand

Many neighbourhood plans recognise the importance of green corridors. These plans include specific policies aimed at protecting, creating, and enhancing both new and existing green corridors. We can use our extensive data and expertise to help you identify significant green corridors within your neighbourhood plan area.

How green corridors work

Effective green corridors link public access routes with habitat networks. We identify and map habitat networks by assessing how well-connected habitat patches are for wildlife. This involves a cost-distance modelling approach. The outcome is a map illustrating the connected habitat networks. By combining these habitat networks with public rights of way information, we create maps highlighting potential green corridors in your neighbourhood plan area.

How we identify green corridors

We collaborate with your neighbourhood plan group through a workshop. During the workshop, we draw proposed green corridors on maps, using both your local knowledge and our expertise. We then produce digitised maps of these green corridors for inclusion in your local plan.


The cost for the habitat modelling, mapping and workshop starts from £1,360 + VAT.

Green corridors leaflet (pdf format, 4.33 MB)

Our green corridor projects

We have successfully completed green corridor projects for the parishes of:

  • Eye and Dunsden
  • South Leigh
  • East Challow
  • Brize Norton 

Contact us

For more information or to discuss your requirements, contact us at Visit our request a data search page.