Report contents

What the search report includes.

Our standard search report includes:

  • a PDF report
  • an Excel spreadsheet of species (up to 2 km)
  • either PDF maps of sites and habitats or GIS layer datasets (up to 5 km)

You should request a data licence rather than a data search:

  • when a search area is greater than 10 km²
  • for a 5 km buffer around a site

We will provide the data as GIS or Excel files.


A standard search includes protected, notable and invasive species within the search area. The recorded period is between 1995 and 2023 for amphibians, reptiles, mammals, fish, higher plants, butterflies, moths and dragonflies.

For all other species, the recorded period is between 1960 and 2023. For information, view the species status guidance (pdf format, 129 KB)

Note in the comments box of the data request form if you would like information about:

  • records prior to the specified cut-off dates
  • species which are not protected, notable or invasive

Great crested newt (GCN) package

Our experience of data analysis and presentation has produced the GCN package. The package supports ecological decision-making for this important species. 

The GCN package includes data about:

  • GCN occurrence (both positive and negative records)
  • suitable habitats within the search area
  • NatureSpace's GCN risk zones with results presented as a web map (view an example web map)


A standard search includes the following sites. See our guidance on statutory and non-statutory wildlife site designations for more information.

  • RAMSAR sites
  • Special areas of conservation
  • Special protection areas
  • Sites of special scientific interest
  • National nature reserves
  • Local Nature Reserves
  • Local Wildlife Sites
  • Proposed Local Wildlife Sites and Extensions
  • NGO properties / nature reserves
  • Local Geological Sites
  • Conservation Target Areas / Biodiversity Opportunity Areas
  • Other sites, for example, district wildlife sites or sites managed by local groups


A standard search maps:

  • NERC Act Section 41 habitats of principal importance (previously UKBAP priority habitats) 
  • Phase 1 habitat classification habitats

See our habitats and land use guidance for more information.

Data coverage

Visit our species data page for our data coverage details.