These datasets are named: Berkshire habitat and land use, Oxfordshire habitat and land use.
Dataset description
The data maps NERC Act Section 41 habitats of principal importance (previously UKBAP priority habitats) and Phase 1 habitat classification habitats. Data provided will map either just habitats of principal importance or both depending on the request.
Data origin
Data has been mapped using a combination of survey data, when available, and aerial photograph interpretation.
Data coverage
Nearly the whole county has been mapped besides a few gaps. Most of the mapping took place between 2004-2006. Some updates have taken place especially to map habitats of principal importance and local wildlife sites as well as a complete update to Bracknell Forest in 2010.
Most of the county has been mapped. Before 2016 there were major gaps although the following had been largely mapped:
- Cherwell district
- designated sites
- conservation target areas
- traditional orchards
- coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
In 2016-2017 mapping of the remaining areas has been undertaken. By early 2017 the gaps had been significantly reduced. The main habitats of principal importance that are missing are the woodland habitats. Mapping is currently proceeding to complete as much of this mapping as possible.
Some recent survey data may not have been incorporated.
Data accuracy
Habitat mapping started by using Ordnance Survey landline digital data to map boundaries along with aerial photographs. Since 2006 data is mapped to Ordnance Survey Mastermap polygon boundaries where applicable. This data will be more accurate although may not absolutely precisely reflect the latest version of Mastermap as it is not possible to remap all data to that version.
Depending on the data available and its age habitat polygons are mapped with the following interpretation quality:
- definitely is this habitat
- habitat is in polygon, but not accurately mappable
- habitat probably in polygon, but not accurately mappable
- not present but close to definition (this is rarely used)
- probably is, but some uncertainty
While it is not possible to distinguish these on the maps, if further clarification of any particular polygon is required please contact us at