Guidance: Berkshire and Oxfordshire habitat and land use

The habitat data provided is extracted from the latest GIS layers of habitats we have produced.

These datasets are named: Berkshire habitat and land use, Oxfordshire habitat and land use.

Dataset description

Our dataset includes mappings of NERC Act Section 41 habitats of principal importance and Phase 1 habitat classification habitats. Data provided will map either just habitats of principal importance or both depending on the request.

Data origin

The data has been meticulously mapped using a combination of survey data and aerial photograph interpretation to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Data coverage


We have mapped nearly the entire county, with only a few gaps remaining. Most of this work was completed between 2004-2006. Significant updates have been made, particularly to map habitats of principal importance and local wildlife sites, with a complete update to Bracknell Forest in 2017. These updates have been achieved through dedicated ground surveys that are incredibly accurate


Our coverage of Oxfordshire is now near perfect, with no significant gaps remaining. Before 2016, there were major gaps, but key areas such as Cherwell district, designated sites, conservation target areas, traditional orchards, and coastal and floodplain grazing marsh had been largely mapped. Thanks to recent surveys and extensive work on the habitat layer, we have achieved comprehensive coverage of priority habitats across the county.

Data accuracy

Our dataset is more up-to-date and complete than the one available through Natural England. Initially, habitat mapping used Ordnance Survey landline digital data to map boundaries along with aerial photographs. Since 2006, we have mapped data to Ordnance Survey Mastermap polygon boundaries where applicable. In cases where our data diverges from OSMM, it is usually because our data is more detailed and offers better insights into the condition of the habitats on the ground.

Depending on the data available and its age, habitat polygons are mapped with the following interpretation quality:

  • Definitely is this habitat
  • Habitat is in polygon, but not accurately mappable
  • Habitat probably in polygon, but not accurately mappable
  • Not present but close to definition (rarely used)
  • Probably is, but some uncertainty

We strive to provide the most accurate and detailed habitat data to support your conservation and planning efforts. If you have any specific requirements or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out,