Our data services for local authorities

How we support local authorities to make better decisions about the natural environment.

Through our service level agreements, we regularly provide local authorities with information about:

We conduct surveys and manage the assessments of local wildlife sites (LWS).

We carry out data analysis to monitor local authority local plans. We also support neighbourhood and community planning.

Our data

We include a metadata document with all of our datasets. The document describes the information within the dataset. We send the metadata and GIS dataset to your contact and GIS officer at the same time. Store them together so that you can easily refer to the metadata. 

The datasets will cover your local authority area (plus a 5 km buffer for species data).

The datasets

  • protected and notable species (July, November and March)
  • buffered protected and notable species (July, November and March)
  • house sparrows, starlings and swifts (July, November and March) - rebranded 'birds in buildings'. The dataset now includes house martin nest records (March)
  • swift hotspot maps (March)
  • local wildlife sites (May)
  • UK priority habitat (NERC Act S41 Habitats of Principle Importance) (May)
  • invasive non-native species layer (July, November, March)

Biodiversity annual monitoring reports

We publish the environmental data we collate and analyse in an annual biodiversity monitoring report. The report is available to local authorities.

Additional services to aid decision-making

We can create bespoke datasets, maps, and tools to meet the requirements of your local authority area. 

We can also:

  • carry out data analysis and ecological surveys to monitor change
  • advise on the best way to manage land for biodiversity
  • provide training for GIS, species identification and survey methods

Find out more about who should use our data and why it's important they do.

We are ready to develop new solutions and offer bespoke services. Contact us at tverc@oxfordshire.gov.uk to discuss your needs.