Records and sites
We hold high-quality data for Berkshire and Oxfordshire, including:
- over 4.8 million species records, including more than 1,110,000 protected and notable species
- boundaries and descriptions for Local Wildlife Sites
- boundaries and descriptions for Local Geological Sites
- habitat data including NERC Act S41 Habitats of Principal Importance
We also hold boundary data for:
- conservation target areas (CTA) in Oxfordshire
- biodiversity opportunity areas (BOA) in Berkshire
The Berkshire Local Nature Partnership and Wild Oxfordshire use these landscape-scale conservation areas to coordinate biodiversity work in Berkshire and Oxfordshire.
Data coverage
View our species data page to learn about our data coverage.
Learn about how we quality check all of the data we add to our database.
Who can access our data
Learn about the data you can access through our services.
We have published guidance for:
Why we need data
We need high-resolution, quality-assured, and up-to-date data to get a clear picture of the state of nature. These data are vitally important for our partners and data users to make evidence-based decisions about the natural environment.